

New Year - New Me? 

 Bet on your form next year and check it out at Runmageddon!


For young and for old, for individualists as well as for those who feel better in a team! For obstacle-mud fanatics and for those who have a debut to face! For all of you, we have prepared special Vouchers for starts in 2023!

Check out the range of possibilities we have prepared as a part of the packages! This is a great proposition when you are sure that without RMG next year will not happen, but you do not know yet where exactly you will cross the starting line. You can use those vouchers throughout the whole 2023 season!

Treat yourself to a muddy adventure or give it to someone as a gift!

If it is difficult for you to live without mud, bruises and you’re not impressed by much, and you are still hungry for challenges…  It can mean one thing - you are a VETERAN!

As a part of the package, you can take part in::

  • 1 x any Recruit, overcoming 30 obstacles on a 6-kilometer route - also at night!
  • 1 x any Classic, overcoming 50  obstacles on a 12 km route.
  • 1 x any hardcore overcoming an incredible number of 70 obstacles over a distance of 21 km!

For those freaks who complete all distances, there is a special prize - a unique VETERAN statue!



The perfect voucher for the real freaks for whom Runmageddon is a lifestyle! A proposal for those who do not see the world outside of RMG starts and will go wherever yellow and black tapes mark the way to victory, over their own weaknesses!

You pay once and start 8 times! The Octan package entitles you to 8 starts in the following formulas: Intro, Rekrut, Classic and Hardcore! You can mix the formulas in any configuration.


This is an ideal proposition for those who would like to painlessly try to start in OCR runs and start their adventure with Runmageddon! Let yourself be introduced into the world full of buzzing endorphins and a smile covered with mud!

By choosing any Intro package, you or someone close to you will start in a 3-kilometer special division with over 15 obstacles to overcome!


Do you like challenges or know someone who can't live without them? Treat yourself or give someone a real test of strength and endurance!

In this formula, over 30 crazy obstacles await you over a 6-kilometer route! ANY RECRUIT PACKAGE is an ideal proposition for all fans of moderate exercise!

Are you ready to join the army of Runmageddon Freaks?


Nothing builds family ties like an adventure ! 

Catch the Runmageddon bug and experience unforgettable moments together while completing the Family  formula route (2 km and over 15 obstacles) in the season of 2024!

Take the rest of your family members to go on a muddy adventure and for an additional 50PLN for each additional person, treat yourself to a family story that you will brag about on every occasion!


Release the brakes and take on a 12 kilometer course armed with over 50 amazing obstacles, in the Classic formula, in the 2024 season! This is the perfect gift for all OCR nerds and a real test of character! If you already have a Recruit behind your belt, you feel unsatisfied and would like to face more obstacles over a longer distance, this is a proposition just for you!


With this voucher, you can experience the real hardcore! The extreme half-marathon, i.e. 21 km and 70+ obstacles, is no longer a joke, but a real work out! This is for all the freaks who never have enough of mud, sweat and overcoming their weaknesses! Now answer the question: Are you ready for HARDCORE? Take up a real sports challenge or give it to a loved one!


Formuła, w której „odwaga” nabiera zupełnie nowego znaczenia. Maraton w wersji Ultra  (42 km i 140 przeszkód) to prawdziwa próba charakteru, dla największych twardzieli, którzy walczą do ostatniej kropli potu!

To bez wątpienia najtrudniejsza z formuł dostępnych w Runmageddonie, tylko dla najbardziej odważnych i odjechanych świrów, dla których wyzwania dla ducha i cała  to nieodłączny element życia!


Two heads are better than one, and our obstacles often prove that two extra hands are even more useful on the route!

Do you want to take the first step into the world of OCR running, but feel that you need some support? Voilà! Here is a package to dispel your doubts!

As a part of the package, any Intro 1 + 1, you can start in the Intro formula, covering a 3-kilometer route, full of over 15 obstacles!

Take your loved one on an adventure and experience it together!


Do they call you "lovebirds"? You don’t tend to go anywhere alone?

Do you feel better in a duet? Was your participation in RMG your joint decision? You're welcome!

As part of the ANY 1 + 1 RECRUIT package, you can stand shoulder to shoulder in the fight and try to overcome 30 obstacles over a distance of 6 km. Nothing connects as well as going through our obstacle paradise together.


Are you inseparable companions in training? Do you polish your skill together and make progress together? Or maybe the Recruit formula is behind you and you have decided to try more! This is an offer for you! Take a partner for the Classic formula and don't let your grip slip away! Conquer 12 kilometers and 50+ obstacles in a duo and take on the most classically crazy RMG route!


Are you as thick as thieves? Lots of hardcore action on your account? What if you did something crazy and add another one to the collection? You will definitely remember it for a long time!

Run in a duet as a part of the Hardcore 1 + 1 package and experience hell together as you complete a 21km hellish half-marathon with 70+ obstacles. This is a real test of character!

Do it together and remember that each extra pair of hands on this route can decide on your survival!


Co powiesz na wyzwanie, w którym liczy się szybkość z jaką pokonujesz przeszkody?

Dla Ciebie bądź dla bliskiego OCR – owego sprintera mamy voucher na RUNMAGEDDON GAMES w sezonie 2024!

100 metrowy tor i wyjątkowy zestaw przeszkód na bank zapewnią wiele frajdy i moc rywalizacji!

Na każdą imprezę należy zapisać się co najmniej 3 dni przed datą wydarzenia w ramach wolnych miejsc, wykorzystując swój unikalny kod.



Your Junior loves challenges? Is she/he not afraid of mud and has lots of fun overcoming obstacles? This bundle will be ideal for them!

Give him/her a start in any Runmageddon, in the Junior formula (3 km and over 15 obstacles) in the 2024 season! It is an ideal option for all young kids who have grown out of the Kids formula, but are still waiting for their debut at a longer distance.


Give your little warrior the most muddy gift - start in Runmageddon in the KIDS formula (1 km and 10 obstacles) in the 2024 season! This is the best option to give your child the opportunity to get muddy up to the armpits and use up the excess energy!

Remember that strength and character are developing from an early age!


Co dwie głowy to nie jedna, co dwa starty to dwa razy więcej emocji!

Jeśli wiecie, że na jednym się nie skończy to łapcie VOUCHER FAMILY 2x i sprezentujcie sobie podwójną przygodę!

Jeden voucher, dwa starty w FAMILY (2km +15 przeszkód) , dla dwóch osób.

Do zobaczenia na starcie!

Na każdą imprezę należy zapisać się co najmniej 3 dni przed startem, w ramach wolnych miejsc, wykorzystując swój indywidualny kod.


Twoi Juniorzy kochają wyzwania? Nie straszne im błoto i pokonywanie przeszkód? Ten pakiet jest właśnie dla nich! Sprezentuj im start w formule JUNIOR ( 3km +15 przeszkód) i podaruj niezapomnianą przygodę!

We dwóch zawsze raźniej!

Na każdą imprezę należy zapisać się co najmniej 3 dni przed startem, w ramach wolnych miejsc, wykorzystując swój indywidualny kod.


We dwóch zawsze raźniej, zwłaszcza na trasie KIDS (1km +10 przeszkód)!

Specjalnie dla najmłodszych wojowników przygotowaliśmy voucher KIDS 1+1, by maluchy mogły bawić się na trasie razem! Bracia, siostry, kumple i kumpele z piaskownicy – z dobrym kompanem zabawa smakuje jeszcze lepiej!

Na każdą imprezę należy zapisać się co najmniej 3 dni przed startem, w ramach wolnych miejsc, wykorzystując swój indywidualny kod.

Runmageddon Kraków Dobczyce